How to reflect on the two different areas of business with your brand

Written by Jourdan Whelan

Jourdan is our content writer. Loving camping and training to be a counsellor, he loves to be authentic. On a day off, you'd either find him completing a hike or writing D&D campaigns.

On my podcast, ‘the answer is brand’ I received the following question…

When your business provides a solution using two different toolsets, how should It be reflected in branding?’.

In attempting to achieve uniqueness, I’ve seen a good portion of my clients attempting to expand their products/ services.

We start to combine different elements, and this does nothing for clarity in both your business and your audience.

When approached with a question around reflection in branding, it gives me the desire to state what branding is. 

Branding is a broad term, however, my own way of defining it is through brand confidence.

Brand confidence is a term that’s divided into four elements.

  • Strategy
  • Messaging
  • Behaviours
  • Identity

Most clients start with identity as it seems to be the primary factor.

However, that’s where they make their first mistake.

You need to work on the other elements before you can think about identity.

The section we’ll focus on for this question is messaging.

A good place to start is to think about is your toolsets…How are these going to be reflected in your branding?


When we discuss messaging, we’re communicating our purpose, how and why we carry out our service to our audience. 

Most will focus on mission statements/values to get this across. This will be done internally, but the messaging side of branding is external.

What you’ll need is a set of messaging guidelines that communicate what you are as an enterprise to the relevant audience.

This can involve extensive research/consultation with clients.

For instance, if your company is trying to fuse interior design and feng shui, you’ll want the perfect balance between these two components. It’ll be your message that conveys that blend.

It’s a worthwhile exercise to find and utilise hook statements and key phrases that’ll adequately convey the balance of ‘look‘ and ‘feel‘.  

The education of your audience through your message is imperative.

Take me for example. Near enough, all the content that I give to my audience is educational in nature.

With every blog, video, and podcast, I’m explaining branding and my understanding of it.

So, to conclude, the true way to convey that balance is through your content and messaging.  

I hope this helps anyone else who’s facing a similar issue reflecting multiple ‘solutions/tool sets’ in their business!  

If you have a question about starting, growing, or scaling your business head here to record and send your question in. It’s not only a great way to promote your business, it also helps other businesses who might be encountering a similar issue/question to you.

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