Quicc gains interview

Written by Jourdan Whelan

Jourdan is our content writer. Loving camping and training to be a counsellor, he loves to be authentic. On a day off, you'd either find him completing a hike or writing D&D campaigns.

Recently, I had the chance to sit down with Dan Holloway, and we discussed some interesting topics.

What is the brand confidence scorecard?

So, what is the brand confidence scorecard and where did it come from?

Due to the nature of my industry and my occupation, I found myself spending large amounts of time with business owners and entrepreneurs (specifically service businesses).  

The biggest issue they had about their market was its saturation.

It’s difficult to pick out and choose what makes you unique.

This in turn provides a barrier against distinction between yourself and your competition.

At the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey, you’re excited.

You’re optimistic for the future of your enterprise.

You attain clients in your business, in turn affirming your talent/capabilities.

A curve starts to form that initially is on the rise, but small things start to happen…

  • Competitors reach the market and receive attention from prospective clients.
  • You meet someone with an identical m.o.
  • You find out that they’re charging more than you, even If they’re providing an identical service.

What does this mean for you? 

Ultimately, it means that the confidence in your brand/service starts to slip.

This is what I saw in the market and my clients.

Nothing was in place to stop this degradation of confidence in brands.

How did I try to combat this issue? 

Every client I dealt with, I coached in some way or another.

I enabled them to regain confidence in their ability, in their brand.

I trademarked that experience.

I branded it and threw all of my expertise into this process so that when someone chose to complete it, they’d get the distilled/perfected version of what I’d been achieving with previous clients.

A free tool to enable you to identify areas of your brand confidence that might be lacking.   

Before you complete the scorecard, you might ask yourself…What are the components?

The process is split into the four different elements of branding.

  • Strategy
  • Identity
  • Messaging
  • Behaviours

What sort of questions could you expect to see?

  • If I were to Google you, could I find positive public stories?
  • Are you proud of your marketing materials and how they look and feel?
  • Do you feel you spend money on ads with no real return?

Some may be confused with the directions of these questions, but they all lead to branding.

It’s a foundational factor in any business, may that be personal or global in operations.  

It’s my honest belief that any question can be answered by brand, you just need to know how to navigate around it. (you can check out the scorecard here)


 Self-employment produces a legacy

As Dan and I were talking about our legacies, he asked how that relates to branding.  

I can honestly say that anyone who creates/builds a business is leaving a legacy.  

Even for those who are thinking of selling their businesses in a decade… They’re are still building a legacy, as you’re inevitably striving towards something greater.

Business owners who have this concept in mind are much closer to their purpose than they realise.

Let me explain the intricacies of this.

If you believe that we are put on this planet to leave it better than when we arrived, you in turn support your contribution to our species.

What if you don’t believe in that?

I would say that you haven’t found something you truly care about yet.

For those reading this and not relating to what I’ve just typed… I urge you to find that.

Simply being in pursuit of a purpose (if that’s leaving a legacy) is good enough.

It will keep you working when income revenues aren’t there.

It will keep you going when you’re down.

If bad things happen in the wider world, it won’t matter to you as much as it once did.

In fact, I enjoy informing people that I haven’t watched the news in 8 years, and I’ve never voted or taken part in any political activity.

My purpose doesn’t really correlate with external validation, so it makes no difference to me.

I’ll build the biggest structure without anyone’s help, and in the process, I don’t need to tear anyone else’s down.

A quote I heard the other day encapsulates the pursuit of purpose perfectly, I believe it was around women in business.

“I’ve never had to unscrew a woman’s lightbulb in order to shine”.

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