Danny&co. joins the Good Business Charter

Written by Danny Matthews

Danny is the Creative Director here at the Studio. Likes drawing on his iPad, cartoons, has an obsession with brand guidelines documents and you can usually find him in a coffee roaster or under a bed of stickers that his son Zac hides him in.

Danny&co. is delighted to announce it has joined companies such as Deloitte, St. James’ Place Wealth Management and Amnesty International in signing up to the Good Business Charter (GBC), an accreditation that seeks to raise the bar on business practices for employees, tax, the environment, customers and suppliers.

It has never been more important for businesses to regain trust and show they care about more than just profit.

The Good Business Charter exists for all companies and charities across all industries and sectors and works through a simple online self-certification process.  At a time when people are caring more about who they work for and who they buy from, the Good Business Charter offers a straightforward accreditation which recognises organisations which prioritise and care for their employees, the environment, customers and suppliers, whilst also paying their taxes according to the spirit of the law.  The GBC and its members seek to inspire many other businesses to follow suit.

The Good Business Charter has the support of both the CBI and the TUC which both have trustee representation on its board. Other partners of the GBC include the Living Wage Foundation and the Prompt Payment Code. The GBC has been set up by a charity called the Good Business Foundation and accreditation will be free for all companies in the first year.

Chairman of the GBC board, Simon Fox, said:
The Good Business Charter brings together 10 standards, most of which already exist, but in separate places. We have brought them together to give a coherent overall position for businesses to aspire to. We believe that the GBC has enormous potential to change business practice for good.  We hope that because of its simplicity and cost effectiveness, it will quickly gain support.”

Danny Matthews from Danny&co., said:
“Danny&co. have always been advocates of doing the right thing by our people and our economy, but whenever we have looked to get recognised by the work we do it always seems like we would have to jump through the hoops of a dozen different body’s for the privilege. We are really proud to join all of the organisations who are committed to a better way of operating, for a greater purpose and now we have a way to prove it.”

Press Details:
For the Good Business Charter: CEO Jennifer Herrera, jherrera@goodbusinesscharter.com, 07703 453826.
For more information see the website www.goodbusinesscharter.com

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