Ten Ways To Make Your Brand Stand Out

Ten Ways To Make Your Brand Stand Out

In this highly competitive online world, with so much choice, how to make your brand stand out above the crowd is a challenge. If you sell widgets, and your competitors sell exactly the same widgets, from the same manufacturer, then what makes customers pick you above...
Building Your Brand Authority Online

Building Your Brand Authority Online

Imagine Amazon if it were starting out today (and in company terms, it is still a fairly new kid on the block) and you were Jeff Bezos sitting in front of a blank screen, preparing to start building your brand authority, how would you feel? Daunted? Excited? Wanting...
Five Tips On Naming A Business

Five Tips On Naming A Business

It’s not easy naming a business. In fact, it’s not easy coming up with names for anything. Parents may know straight away what their offspring should be called: they gaze at their wrinkly new-born and instantly think “Trevor” or “Matilda”! But that is probably rare....